Have you ever felt awkward about contacting your friends or sphere because you don’t quite know what to say and don’t want to come across as cheesy or inauthentic?

Does the idea of contacting your sphere to get more business make you feel uncomfortable?

Have you ever lost touch with a friend or past client who was thinking of buying or selling and found out later they worked with someone else because you didn’t keep in touch …

We’ve all been there…

The reality is past sphere of influence is and will continue to be one of the best sources of business.

At the same time, you didn’t get into real estate to turn our friends and family into sales targets….

The good news is there is a way to comfortably communicate with your sphere and deepen those relationships in a genuine way and when you do you can easily double your repeat and referral business

Don’t let fear hold you back from reaching your full potential!

In our latest webinar, we discussed and shared strategies for mastering the art of maintaining and deepening relationships with your sphere of influence, how to replace fear with confidence, and transform past clients into forever clients.

What you’ll learn:

  • Strategies to genuinely care for and engage with your database, creating lasting relationships that go beyond transactions.
  • How to categorize and manage your contacts based on the value you can provide them, not just what you can gain.
  • How to turn your past clients into loyal advocates who will consistently refer you and return for future business.
  • The happy, healthy, human way of segmenting your database
  • 3 Tactics to re-frame your follow-up process that you can implement immediately

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your approach and double your referral business from past clients and SOI!

Watch the replay to learn more.