When I made this discovery and made personal growth a priority for me and my team, our business literally exploded.

Have you ever wondered what is that “X factor” that separates the average agents from top producers?

I did.

But for me it wasn’t just a curiosity, it was an obsession.

For over three decades, I traveled the country to meet and mastermind with the brightest and best minds inside and outside of real estate to discover their secrets to success.

And all that searching led me to one powerful conclusion…

The growth of your business is INSIDE you, not outside you.

When I made this discovery and made personal growth a priority for me and my team, our business literally exploded.

So today, I’m excited to share these life-changing insights and others through the launch of The Real Experts Podcast.

In this podcast, I’ll share with you not just my story, but the stories of some of the most successful people I’ve met along the way—individuals who stand out in the top one-tenth of one percent in their fields.

Join me as I dive deep into conversations with extraordinary individuals to talk about their growth journeys, the highs and lows, the challenges they faced, and the profound insights gained through their experiences.

We’ll discuss themes like finding your purpose, adding value to others’ lives, and the power of intention. You’ll hear how clarity of vision can lead to remarkable transformations, both personally and professionally.


“The growth of your business is INSIDE you, not outside you”