Download a free copy of my 2025 business plan here [PDF]

Happy New Year!

Did you do it?

Did you set your personal goals and create your business plan for 2025?
Creating a clear plan powered by a BIG WHY is not that hard, and when you do…

You can make MAGIC happen.


This past week I got together with some friends and fellow agents for a few hours to do our annual goal-setting process and update my Life & Business Plans for 2025 

We set personal goals, investment goals & business goals.  Of course, we also included the most important stuff – health, family, travel, etc.

And I have to tell you, when we reflect and look back on what has been accomplished by the people who have participated in this process over the last 25 years it is nothing short of AMAZING!!!

-DOZENS of Millionaires Created
-HUNDREDS of Top Producing Agents
-COUNTLESS Bucket List Items Checked Off The List 

And most importantly a group of people LOVING the lives they live.

If you haven’t done it, I get it…

The holidays were crazy…although you had time off, demands from friends & family ate up all that free time.

But that is NOT a reason why you shouldn’t set goals and plan for the future, because…

As is often said….

If you fail to plan…You’re planning to fail.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

So If you missed the event I want to give you one last chance to participate and do the exercise yourself. 

Linked here is the exact process from Tony Robbins that I take my team through that makes this magic happen.

But let me be honest with you. Getting the most out of this will take some time and effort on your part (about 90 minutes of your undivided attention) but I promise you it’s worth every minute.

Access the Tony Robbins YouTube here.

If you approach it with an open mind and participate 100%, you will get CRYSTAL CLEAR on what kind of LIFE you want to live in 2025. 

You will have a VISION for your perfect life.

Then and ONLY then should you work on crafting the plan for your real estate business to fund that perfect life.

And when you do, when you have CLARITY and PASSION behind your plan…

You become UNSTOPPABLE. 

So to guide you in the creation of your Business Plan I am sharing a copy of my exact business plan for 2025.

You can download a free copy of my 2025 business plan here [PDF]

Copy my plan and use it in your own business. But, honestly, to be most effective, you should customize the plan specific to your goals, and if you want help on that no problem.

Simply schedule a strategy call and my partner Joey or I will walk you through the business plan template in detail and customize it for your goals in 2025…no strings attached

I want to be a positive influence for you and this is my gift to you. I hope you find value in it and it moves you in the direction of making 2025 your Best Year Ever.